If you would like to contact me

I am the contents provider and the webmaster for this site. I acknowledge many contributions by Juliana L'Heureux whose weekly column in the Portland News Herald was the inspiration for this site.

I am a first generation Franco-American having immigrated to the US in 1961. All my children and their families reside in the US. I however still have family in the Trois-Rivières area of Québec. My L'Heureux ancestry goes back 12 generations to Simon Lereau who came to Nouvelle France in 1652 and can be seen at http://genealogy.happyones.com/lheureux/ancestors.html

If you have corrections and suggestions for this site, send me an email at jlhe...@happyones.com . On the subject line of your message, clearly state the purpose of your message and do not make it look like spam with messages like "Need your help". Be more specific.

I get many messages each day and may not get to reply to you for some time. So be very specific and identify the web page (give me the URL) where you need help or would like to alert me to errors, broken links or needed updates. You can also put that URL on the subject line to help me locate the problem page.

Jacques L'Heureux

Send comments and suggestions to Jacques L'Heureux
Last updated: June 4, 2009